The aims and objectives of the Association shall be to:
Promote interest of members in professional and socio-economic development.
Promote the status and welfare of teachers through the professionalization of the teaching service.
Foster the draft and implementation of educational policies and code of conduct in professionalism.
Combat discrimination on the basis of gender, race, social status/health status, religion and political affiliation.
Combat sexual harassment of teachers and pupils.
Enhance the status of women and maximize participation of women teachers at all levels of society.
Take whatever legal proceedings in pursuance of the enshrined aims and objectives as well as protect teachers against victimization by the Employer or her agents.
Promote unity amongst all independent and democratic unions both locally and internationally in education sectors; thereby contribute to the furtherance of Trade Union Movement.
Regulate the relations and settlement of disputes between members and their employers; being either the Government or other educational institutions or authorities.
To collectively bargain for members with the employer.
To advise, consult, defend and promote collective interest of members or any other issue that may be of interest to its members; including matters of public policy and public administration.