Branches Executive Committees (BEC)

  1. Formation
    • Any two hundred (200) members in a particular geographical location may form themselves into a branch of the Association. To do so, a request shall be forwarded to the Secretary General by the Parent branch after a formal deliberation at a branch meeting accompanied by one hundred and fifty (150) signatures and recent salary advice slips. The request for formation of a branch shall be approved at the next Biennial General Conference of the Association.
    • Upon application for the formation of the branch, the research officer shall undertake a research on teacher movement and distribution of schools in that geographical area.
  2. The procedure to apply for branch formation, the signatories to the request shall forward their application with the consent and approval of the branch which shall remit same to National Executive and then to Biennial Conference. All affected members must be consulted for approval and/or disapproval.
  3. Branch Committees
    • Every Branch shall elect Branch Committees by secret ballot.
    • The Branch Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Treasurer, Gender and Recording Secretary.
    • Other branch committees shall be: Social and Welfare Committee, Status of women, Elections Committee and Education Committee.
    • The Branch Social Welfare Committee shall consist of Chairperson, Secretary and five other members.
    • The Branch Treasurer shall also serve as Treasurer for Branch Social Welfare Committee.
    • The Branch Education Committee shall be composed of the Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Member 1(Gender) and member 2 (Recording Secretary).
    • All committees shall serve for four years except where a byelection is held to fill a vacancy. In such cases, the member shall serve the remaining period of that office.
    • In each Branch meeting there shall be a representative of each school who shall be the SNAT Representative.
  4. Duties of Branch Executive Committees:
    • To hold regular meetings and to transact branch business.
    • To hold Annual General Meetings to make resolutions and elect delegates to Regional Conference and Biennial General Conference of the Association.
    • Office bearers shall be elected once in four years at the first Annual General Meeting.
    • To mediate when there are misunderstandings or conflicts among members.
    • To prepare and present reports (narrative and financial) at Branch and Regional Conferences.